2014-08-14 3:23 PM
Hello everybody!
I use CoIDE for develop applications to stm32f4 series. I checked Stm32CubeMx. This is a very good tool but not able to generate to CoIDE. I write a project converter tool, that can be convert TrueStudio projects to CoIDE. It is working. My problem is with the startup file and the linker script. Cube generate startup file and linker for the projects, but I don't know that these files good for CoIDE and Gnu-arm-gcc. I upload the Cube files and the CoIDE provided files. The CoIDE files: arm-gcc-link.ld and startup_stm32f4xx.c Which files are good for the generated code and CoIDE with gnu-arm-gcc? Thanks for the help #stm32-coide-cubemx-truestudio2014-08-14 4:46 PM
Unless you want to get neck deep in the compiler/linker process, you'd be better just to stick with the CooCox supplied files, and massage the vector table if additional/different vectors need to be added.
You'd want to watch for CooCox's broken CMSIS implementation (not calling SystemInit prior to main) and their fascination with doing everything in C. And how they handle the stack. You might want to look at the RiDE implementation of the standard libraries vs the Atollic one, as I think the former is closer to the CooCox one. The .MAP file would be instructive to confirm the placement of sections/segments in the memory space.2014-08-15 12:08 AM
Thanks for the help. Yes I checked the startup and the linker file from coocox. It is working in my projects, but some times it has interesting bugs with stack. This is the reason why I would like to use truestudio files, but I don't know exactly that the gnu-arm-gcc how to use the linker and the startup files.
I will check the RiDE, maybe can help me.