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STM32CubeMX Changes my Debug Port to JTAG

Associate II
Posted on May 28, 2014 at 20:20

I am using the STM32F4 Discovery board with the Debug Port set to SW for the ST-Link debugger. Development is in stages, so I run STM32CubeMX to set a peripheral, debug the resulting code, then pull in another peripheral, lather, rinse, repeat.  Every time I run CubeMX it resets the Debug port to JTAG. Is there a setting I missed -OR- is this a bug? 

Posted on May 29, 2014 at 16:28


This limitation is already fixed in STM32CubeMX V4.2.0

You have just to update your STM32CubeMX tool version.

With regards.

Associate II
Posted on May 30, 2014 at 05:52

I use v4.2. The problem is NOT fixed. Each time the project is regenerated, debug port (ST-Link) is reset to JTAG, not SW. Definitely a bug.

Posted on May 30, 2014 at 10:53

Which compiler toolchain are you using ?

Associate II
Posted on May 30, 2014 at 13:45

I have been using STM32CubeMX version 4.2.0 with Keil uVision 5 Version on Windows 7.  Also, there is an issue in Configuration when changing items in GPIO Pin Configuration. If you try to change something on more than one pin, without clicking [Apply] then [Ok] after each change, it loses the changes. 

Senior III
Posted on June 19, 2014 at 16:47


Indeed, after each code generation with MX, you will have to update the Keil uVision IDE debug configuration to use 'SW' instead of default 'JTAG'.

This is a known limitation we're planning to fix in a future release.

Best regards.

Associate II
Posted on June 19, 2014 at 21:30

Is there a bug list for MX?

Associate II
Posted on June 20, 2014 at 11:07

I'm trying to maintain one by consolidating all the issues reported on here ( not official one though ):

[DEAD LINK /public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/Flat.aspx?RootFolder=/public/STe2ecommunities/mcu/Lists/STM32Java/STM32CubeMX%204.2.0%20Known%20Issues&FolderCTID=0x01200200770978C69A1141439FE559EB459D758000F9A0E3A95BA69146A17C2E80209ADC21&currentviews=169]¤tviews=169