2015-03-06 12:29 AM
STM32CubeMX, Version 4.6.0
LTDC Configuration (STM32F429VITx) When a Project is saved and reopened, the Calculated Values of the LTDC Configuration are set to some Default values of a 640x480 Display instead of using the last calculated values. To get back the correct values at least one Parameter of Width and one of Height must be changed to trigger a new calculation.2015-04-09 5:20 AM
I have seen what may be similar issues with 4.7. It seems that the X and Y coordinates get swapped. Note all calculated values that start with ''Accumulated.''
2015-04-13 4:28 AM
In the mean time I use Version 4.7, too. Unfortunately the behaviour is not changed in this version. But I am pretty sure that the X and Y values are not swapped. The values you see are the Default values, because a re-calulation was not triggered.
Only selecting a value and typing the same value again does not help. For a re-triggering the new value must be different. Example: Vertical Synchronisation height: Change from 3 to 2, enter. => New values will be caluculated. Next step: Change the 2 back to 3 again.2015-07-01 2:54 AM
Hello, the issue is solved with MX 4.8.