2016-05-01 1:43 AM
As per STM32 embedded software document:
http://www2.st.com/content/ccc/resource/sales_and_marketing/presentation/product_presentation/37/55/ff/bc/a8/71/4f/c5/stm32_embedded_software_offering.pdf/files/stm32_embedded_software_offering.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.stm32_embedded_software_offering.pdf There should be LL API available for STM32L0 but I cannot find it? Can someone from ST comment on this? The STM32L0Cube does not contain LL neither...2016-05-02 1:52 AM
Hi golab.bogdan,
The Low Layer driver is not yet generated, that will be published on the web by end of the month. The document is update a little bit early. Sorry for the inconvenience. -Hannibal-As per STM32 embedded software document:
http://www2.st.com/content/ccc/resource/sales_and_marketing/presentation/product_presentation/37/55/ff/bc/a8/71/4f/c5/stm32_embedded_software_offering.pdf/files/stm32_embedded_software_offering.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.stm32_embedded_software_offering.pdf There should be LL API available for STM32L0 but I cannot find it? Can someone from ST comment on this? The STM32L0Cube does not contain LL neither...2017-01-19 10:21 AM
‌,Low Level drivers for STM32L0 is available since the release
V1.6.0.You should update your firmware package and use the the last version of
V1.8.0 which contains LL API .Thank you for your contribution and all your comments are welcome.