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STM3220G-EVAL - FatFS with uSD

Posted on April 22, 2016 at 16:06

Hello everyone,

I'm trying to create FAT format files and write them to a uSD card.

I built STM32CubeF2 Projects FatFs_uSD and FatFs_uSD_RTOS.

I built them with CrossWorks for ARM as IDE using GCC compiler.

I have no issue with the RTOS project, but with the project without RTOS, the program can't go through the fopen function.

The function returns FR_DISK_ERR.

When I go further, in the find_volume function, this condition is not complete :

if (fs->fs_type)

wich seems to mean the file system object is invalid.

I don't understand why this doesn't happen with FreeRTOS but happens without.

Same functions of FatFS library are called in both projects, both use HAL drivers but I don't have the same results.

Maybe someone can help with this issue please.
