2016-04-22 7:06 AM
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to create FAT format files and write them to a uSD card.I built STM32CubeF2 Projects FatFs_uSD and FatFs_uSD_RTOS.I built them with CrossWorks for ARM as IDE using GCC compiler.I have no issue with the RTOS project, but with the project without RTOS, the program can't go through the fopen function.The function returns FR_DISK_ERR.When I go further, in the find_volume function, this condition is not complete :if (fs->fs_type)wich seems to mean the file system object is invalid.I don't understand why this doesn't happen with FreeRTOS but happens without.Same functions of FatFS library are called in both projects, both use HAL drivers but I don't have the same results.Maybe someone can help with this issue please.Mathias