2013-06-21 1:14 AM
Hallo all,
How do I program the NOR Flash on the STM3210E-Eval board from my IAR platform? I'm experimenting with the STM3210E-EVAL demonstration firmware (UM0549) and accidentally deleted the contents of the NOR Flash. Any ideas how to get it back?Thanks2013-06-21 8:35 AM
Any ideas how to get it back?
Did you make a backup copy? Keil and IAR probably have applets from programming NOR regions, or could build ones, Segger has a J-Flash tool for their J-Link devices. Wouldn't you just download the demo software, and blow in the NOR image with DfuSe?
via ''Design Resources'' on the product pagehttp://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM116/SC959/SS1532/PF204176
STM3210E-EVAL_FW_V2.0.0\Utilities\Binary\STM3210E-EVAL_Demo_NORFlash_V2.0.0.dfu2013-06-28 12:44 AM
Hallo Clive,
Thanks for this and I do apologise for my delayed reply. Please allow me two more questions:Thanks for shedding light on this