2021-06-15 9:19 PM
I have a project that the 3v3 of STM32G's power need to be powered by another switching convertor.So if I want to download program into the STM32G4, I have to power up the switching convertor. But a problem is caused by the switching convertor, once the 3v3 is up,that means the switching convertor is working, using STLINK V2 to download the program into STM32G4 via its SWD interface, may be not successful. I colud find that this is disturbed by the switching convertor, if the programing wire is shorter or letting the programing wire get further away of the switching convertor's input , the programing failure times will be less.
My colleague said that he had done a test,if he add a 4.7uf capacitor both at pin PA13(SWDIO) and PA14(SWCLK) grounding to GND, the programing failure may not ocur. So I want to know whether this desigin(adding capicator) is suitable or not. Because I colud not find the relevant basis form ST's documnets, the demo board has no capacitor or resistance on the PA13 and PA14.
2021-06-16 1:37 AM
Capacitors on the SWD lines are a bad ideayou will have to lower the SWD frequency to incredible low values. It is also a bad idea to supply a switching converter through the set of SWD lines. Switching spikes and ground noise will upset the transport. Adding more ground connection may help, but that is far from stable.