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STM32 (STM3210E-EVAL ) uClinux debugging

Posted on February 18, 2012 at 12:44

Hi all,

I am considering running uCLinux OS on STM3210E-E evaluation board ( STM32F103ZET6 processor ) ,as described on AN3012.My question is : will I need additional hardware to debug my application ( such as ST-Link) .I currently possess uLINK 2 - does that suffice ? Or am I going to need to buy entirely different debugging tool ? 

Thank You, 


#stm32f103-uclinux #uclinux-stm32
Posted on February 18, 2012 at 16:10

What do uClinux devs use? Check mailing lists, and forums.

ULink are primarily tied to Keil, while Keil can debug foreign code it's probably not what you're looking for. ST-LINK's I'd probably avoid, they tend to fail or fall over in situations where you really need your tools to work.

In terms of wide support, and commercial/professional grade, the Segger J-Link is probably something you want in your toolbox.
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Senior II
Posted on February 27, 2012 at 13:10

It depends whether you are debugging the kernel or whether you have a board supplied with a port. If the port is already done and you are just writing apps to go on top, then you will only need JTAG for programming the board - application  debugging is usually done over Ethernet.

I think this processor is unsuitable for Linux, even uCLinux, as it is underpowered and has no Ethernet connection. If, as it seems, you are new to Linux, get yourself an eval kit that already has a port and some getting started instructions. You really, really do not want to be messing around with the kernel as a complete newbie.

Lots of people have Linux ready eval boards, pick something with an Ethernet interface and a Linux port. Personally, I wouldn't use anything less powerful than an ARM9, they are so cheap these days. You absolutely cannot run Linix without external flash and [especially] RAM, there's no way you'd get enough RAM on-chip, you need megabits not a few k.

Associate III
Posted on February 27, 2012 at 15:30

I am considering running uCLinux OS


WHY? If you absolutely need a OS, there are ever so many RTOS'es geared toward processors with this type of capabilities and performance.
