2015-04-07 8:31 AM
2015-04-07 9:38 AM
osSignalSet is defined in the file cmsis_os.h. It seems to be missed in your project.
Which CubeMX version are you using?-Mayla-To give better visibility on the answered topics, please click on Accept as Solution on the reply which solved your issue or answered your question.
2015-04-07 3:40 PM
Hy Mayla
I Am Using cube mx 4.7.0,How to using the os SignalSet on cmis_os.h Thanks for your replyCheers Herru2015-04-08 5:42 AM
Problem reproduced on my side: not a compilation error, but a link failure.
Meaning the definition is in cmsis_os.h (probably present in your project, otherwise the compiler would have complained when calling osSignalWait), but the implementation is not yet in cmsis_os.c file (when linking object files produced, code for osSignalWait not found). Sorry for that trouble.For your information, oSSignalSet and osSignalWait should be available (in cmsis_os.c) in next F4 firmware package release (updating Freertos 8.1.2 to 8.2.1 in the same time).
Best regards, FredHy Mayla
I Am Using cube mx 4.7.0, How to using the os SignalSet on cmis_os.h Thanks for your reply Cheers Herru2015-04-08 7:24 AM
Hallo Fred
Thanks For Your Fast response To Me ,I am Glad to Hear From You And Please Provide The osTimer to because I needed CheersHerru S