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STM32 Mentorship (paid)

Associate III

I don't want to over step the mark here and abuse the community so I wanted to ask if it would be ok to ask this question or not. I am looking to kick-start a hardware project using an STM32 and being someone who also has a big day job commitment myself, I wanted to find out if there is anyone who might be willing to give me some hours of their time using remote tool ilke Zoom, for mentorship/guidance/experience kickstart as I ramp up my knowledge of the STM32 platform.  I am not looking for free or cheap here, I am very willing to pay someone for their time. 

Would posting details about what I am after, and asking such a question be an appropriate use of this forum, or would I be overstepping the line here for this community?



Being retired I have quite a bit of free time.  My H/W design experience goes back to 1975 and the Intel 8080, STM from STR750 (ARM7) on through F1/F2/F4/L0/L4 series. Software experience dates back to Algol and Fortran, a myriad of assembly languages, PL/I and COBOL, and 20 years C experience, plus a few years with C#.  And I'm not looking to get paid, always a bonus!  I can offer development advice and some technical help.  I've developed products for scientific and commercial use.  I also have a copy of OrCAD for schematics.

What I don't have is experience using STM software like the Cube, Hal, LL etc.  I have my own libraries for F1-F4 and L0-L4 series.  I use the old Atollic 9.3 IDE. To be blunt, I don't trust the STM software for any kind of commercial product.

  Jack Peacock

Hello Jack, 
Thanks for responding, I appreciate that.  From a hardware design perspective I am all good, the focus of my kick start would be the software side (and tom some degree the architecture/design decisions) of using STM32 parts, as I have never used them before.  

I would probably want to stick with the STM software just because of the abundance of examples and code that seems to be around. So I think for now there is probably not a good match, but I am hugely appreciative of the offer and may well follow up on that if I find my self stuck and in need of help with the hardware side of things. 

