2016-07-08 6:02 PM
I am trying to run ADC example that came with STM32-MAT release 4.3, but not able to get it going. Has anyone got either PIL or external mode working and can tell me how to do it?
I have got the GPIO LED blinking test run successfully with STM32-MAT. Per ST support, the external mode is not available til this July release, because the PIL mode does not run the MCU periferals, so their ADC example must be run in external mode with UART serial communication. But there is no detail documentation shows details on how to setup the serial link and run the ADC example in external mode.Per STM32_MAT-Garget_hand on document attached, page 34, in PIL mode, which also requires serial communication, there appears to be a matlab app that user can use to setup PC COM Port for the PIL, but there is no info on where the app is located. I am not sure where/how to bring up this matlab app GUI window so that I can configure the COM port. Can anyone who had run PIL tell me the steps to open this matlab app GUI? Thanks2016-07-13 8:43 AM
I have found thathttp://www.mathworks.com/products/instrument/
provides the tools that let you communicate with, configure, and transfer data to or from your serial device without writing code.You can use functions to set PC Com port parameters following this link:
http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/serial-port-devices.htmlMaybe you can find help in these links: http://www.mathworks.com/help/instrument/working-with-the-serial-port-interface.html?s_tid=srchtitlehttp://www.mathworks.com/help/instrument/serial-port-overview.htmlhttp://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/matlab_external/introduction_f105659.htmlRegards
2016-07-18 6:15 AM
COM port configuration window automatically appears when you run PIL.
ADC examples are provided for code generation like GPIOs you already did.
ADC example generates project to build, download and run from STM32 target without any link to Simulink.
Best regards
I am trying to run ADC example that came with STM32-MAT release 4.3, but not able to get it going. Has anyone got either PIL or external mode working and can tell me how to do it?
I have got the GPIO LED blinking test run successfully with STM32-MAT. Per ST support, the external mode is not available til this July release, because the PIL mode does not run the MCU periferals, so their ADC example must be run in external mode with UART serial communication. But there is no detail documentation shows details on how to setup the serial link and run the ADC example in external mode. Per STM32_MAT-Garget_hand on document attached, page 34, in PIL mode, which also requires serial communication, there appears to be a matlab app that user can use to setup PC COM Port for the PIL, but there is no info on where the app is located. I am not sure where/how to bring up this matlab app GUI window so that I can configure the COM port. Can anyone who had run PIL tell me the steps to open this matlab app GUI? Thanks2016-07-25 3:28 PM
2018-10-25 8:18 AM
I am having the exact same problem as florence except with one extra issue. I am running the Test_PIL_IIR_Filter model and when i set the mode to Processor-in-the-Loop in the drop down menu and run the model I get an error "Invalid Index" in the Diagnostics Viewer. I am using the model provided and have only changed the configuration parameters as specified in the Readme.pdf. Because of this I am not able to see the COM port configuration window like florence.
Do you have any idea why I am seeing this error? I am running 2018b. Is there possibly a small set up step I am missing?
Please help!
2018-11-09 2:42 AM
2018-11-14 11:07 AM
I have found your answer. Turns out the ST block set is incompatible with Matlab 2018b. I switch to a privious version (2016b) and it started working again. Looks like they are aware of the issues and are making a new version of STM32-Mat/Target.
2019-08-20 4:13 AM
Hi @florence ,
The version 5.1.0 of STM32-MAT/TARGET has just been released at the end of July 2019.
Be aware that a lot of changes were involved in this release (in detail, alignment with STM32CubeMX version 5.1.0 and Matlab 2018b).
While working on this version the followings tests were successful for PIL:
- F429ZITx @ 180 Mhz, USART1: OK
- L476RG @ 80 Mhz, USART2: OK
While working on this version the followings tests were successful for External Mode:
- STM32F401RE @ 84 Mhz, USART2: OK
- STM32F446Z @180 Mhz, USART3: OK
It is strongly recommended to upgrade to the most recent version of STM32-MAT/TARGET.