2019-11-11 9:29 AM
/*I want to read stm32 temperature using ADC1 with timer 2 configured.
I am getting temperature reading as 60 degrees when I configured
and -275 degrees when ADC1->SQR3=18; Is any thing wrong? */
#include "stm32f4xx.h" // Device header
#include <stdio.h>
int UART2_write(int ch);
void UART2_Init(void);
void msdelay(unsigned int delay);
int data;
double voltage;
double celsius;
struct __FILE
int handle;
FILE __stdout ={1};
int fputc(int c, FILE *f)
return UART2_write(c);
int UART2_write(int ch)
/*Wait till TX buffer is filled with data */
while(!(USART2->SR & 0X0080));
USART2->DR = ch;
return ch;
void UART2_Init(void)
/*Enable GPIO clock for Port A since USART2 connected to PA2*/
/*Enable bit 17 of RCC_APB1ENR for USART2 Clock */
RCC->APB1ENR |= 0X20000;
/*USART2 connected to Alternate functin AF7 low register GPIOx_AFRL AF7(AFRL2) (PA2)=0111 = 0X0700 (doubt)*/
//PA0 (0 to 3 bits)->0000, PA1 (4 TO 7 bits)-> 0000, PA2 (AFRL2)8 to 11 ->0111
GPIOA->AFR[0]= 0x0700; // 0000 0111 0000 0000
/*Set PA2 to alternate function*/
GPIOA->MODER = 0X0020;
/*set baud rate @9600*/
USART2->BRR = 0X0683;
/*Enable the USART2 module UE bit */
USART2->CR1 |= 0x2000;
/*Enable USART2 Transmitter TE bit */
USART2->CR1 |= 0X0008;
int main(void)
RCC->APB2ENR|= 0x100;
ADC->CCR&=~0x00400000 ; //clear VBAT to disable
ADC->CCR |=0x00800000 ; //Temperature sensor and VREFINT enable
ADC1->SQR3=16; //select channel 16 for ADC1
//Select a sampling time 100: 84 cycles 10us
ADC1->SMPR1= 0x04000000;
//1001: Timer 2 CC2 event for regular channels
ADC1->CR2|=1; //Start ADC
printf("STM32 Temperature \r\n");
2019-11-11 10:31 AM
What do we see on the first picture?
> while(!(ADC1->SR)){};
Didn't you want to check one particular flag in ADCx_SR?
2019-11-11 10:40 AM
It's been awhile since I coded for the F4, but I remember that the temperature sensor is dedicated to channel 16. Channel 18 is probably VBAT or VRef.
Cheers, Hal
2019-11-11 11:33 AM
'F40x and 'F42x has it at different channels:
On STM32F40x and STM32F41x devices, the temperature sensor is internally
connected to ADC1_IN16 channel which is used to convert the sensor output voltage
to a digital value.
• On STM32F42x and STM32F43x devices, the temperature sensor is internally
connected to the same input channel, ADC1_IN18, as VBAT: ADC1_IN18 is used to
convert the sensor output voltage or VBAT into a digital value. Only one conversion,
temperature sensor or VBAT, must be selected at a time.
As Kumar did not tell us which model is he using, we can only guess, that 'F40x - I've just noticed the 60 degrees at ch.16, which is more-less OK. Note, that the temperature sensor does not measure the ambient temperature, but the internal temperature of the chip.
2019-11-11 6:01 PM
Yes. Waiting till ADC data arrives.
2019-11-11 6:03 PM
First screen shot is when I configured for channel 16, and second screen shot is the output of channel 18. But in the reference manual it is given temperature sensor is connected to channel 16 or channel 18.
As per the room temperature it should be less than 30 degrees
2019-11-11 6:05 PM
I am using STM32F407 discovery board. Is 60 degrees valid? How to know its correctness?
2019-11-12 7:45 AM
My reference manual says output offsets of up to 45 degrees C are possible due to chip variations.
The data sheet provides the memory location of chip temperature sensor calibration values at two temperatures. Try reading the cal values to get a more accurate slope and offset.
Cheers, Hal
2019-11-12 8:23 AM
Hi ,
Thanks for the support.
Can you please provide the link or datasheet reference to read the cal values? How to do that? Please list the steps to read cal values.
2019-11-12 9:02 AM
Instead of providing a fish, I will teach how to fish.
Use the find function on your pdf reader to find "temperature sensor calibration" in the data sheet.. You should know how to create a pointer to read the values in memory.
Cheers, Hal