2012-05-19 6:38 AM
I am new to STM32 discovery and using the program package STM32F10x_StdPeriph_Lib_V3.5.0. I am trying to run adc module with this package .
But when, I run that code provided into example into STM32 discovery board. Its not working.I see with debugger that program is stuck at a function Hard_fault_handler();Please help me in moving to right direction.2012-05-19 6:54 AM
More information will improve the quality of the help you get:
Which Discovery board ? Which IDE ? Provide code. Cheers, Hal2012-05-19 6:54 AM
Note that there are (at least) four different ''STM32 Discovery'' boards - which one, exactly, are you using?
Have you tried the unmodified examples specifically for your particular board?2012-05-19 6:56 AM
2012-06-10 5:32 AM
Don't bother worrying about N's negative comments.
He has been doing this all through the forum. Some kid who likes crittiquing everybody - without any actually helpful advice.