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STM32 Development Tools Opinions

Associate II
Posted on August 21, 2008 at 09:24

STM32 Development Tools Opinions

Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42

Hi all,

Looking at the interest of STM32 micros based on Cortex-M3 ARM core and the increasing numbers of it users from new fresh engineers to the gurus of embedded designs having more than 20 years of experience in the domain.

Nowadays, we are seeing a great improvement from Tools companies to be in the trends of supporting new ARM cores like Cortex-M3 and STM32 micros in adding new features which is excellent for us.

However, this race and competition ,in some cases, has some drawbacks and is not convenient for designers because we have to change our tools versions each 3/6 months and even less and this will result in a waste of valuable time of debugging our software.

I think, It is very interesting to share our ideas and opinions to all this Forum users about our usage of STM32 Development Tools either compilers, IDEs, RTOS and Stacks :

For Reference please get a look at

a) Please indicate the companies from which you have purchased or worked with STM32 compiler and Integrated Development Environments (IDE)tools : ARM, Aiji System, Altium / TASKING, Keil, IAR, Raisonance, Hitex, CodeSourcery, Green Hills,Lauterbach, Rowley Associates, WindRiver, iSYSTEM, Crossware, or Others.

Then rate then in terms of Features, Ease-of-Use, Technical Support and Performance :

1- Excellent

2- Very Good

3- Good

4- Neutral

5- Dissatisfied

6- Very Dissatisfied

7- Not Applicable

b) Please indicate the companies from which you have purchased or worked with an RTOS tool : CMX, Express Logic,, Keil, IAR, Raisonance, Micrium, Quadros Systems, Segger, MicroDigital, Green Hills Software or Others.

Then rate then in terms of Features, Ease-of-Use, Technical Support and Performance :

1- Excellent

2- Very Good

3- Good

4- Neutral

5- Dissatisfied

6- Very Dissatisfied

7- Not Applicable

c) What are the features most important in Compiler, (IDE)tools and RTOS, for acquisition decision making ?

1-Product Features





6-Scalability across architectures

7-Compatibility (with other third-party products)


9-Other ...

Thank you for your voting and sharing your experience to all of us.


Asterix. ;-)

[ This message was edited by: asterix.magigimix on 16-08-2008 21:40 ]

Associate III
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42


It is a Nice subject :-) Let's Open the Polls ....

As I'm the Moderator on this Forum, I can not give my Opinion since I'm working with most of them and I'm supposed to be neutral with our Tools Partners :-)



Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42


Let's begin with HiTOP and TASKING compiler.

Technical support: excellent.

Feature : very good: In addition to the basic debugging features, HiTOP supports many other features such as serial wire viewer(semi hosting, data trace and execution profile), Graphical data viewer in order to display the data trace in graphical form, Windows Vista ...

Ease of use : good: Hitop has a simple interface in which are implemented many menus and button keys which facilitates its use .

Performance : Excellent: Tasking compiler uses many techniques to reduce code size and/or execution time.In addition, it offers powerful mechanisms for mixing assembly code with C code and allows the use of pragmas which makes it possible to change compiler settings during the compilation process.



Associate II
Posted on May 17, 2011 at 12:42

you forgot to mention how much you sell it for :-D