2015-07-13 10:15 PM
I am a beginner in STM32. Recently I surf the Internet and find some codes written by others. They all says that the RCC should be configured at first as follow:
1. Reset the RCC register; 2. Open HSE; 3. Wait for HSE start up; 4.RCC_HCLKConfig; 5. RCC_PCLK2Config; 6. RCC_PCLK1Config; 7. RCC_PLLConfig; 8. Rcc_PLLCmd(ENABLE); 9. Wait for PLL to work; 10. RCC_SYSCLKConfig; 11. Determine that whether PLL is the system clock; 12. Open the peripheral's clock. But how can I know these procedures from the reference manual or the datasheet? #stm32 #clock-configuration #replySolved! Go to Solution.
2015-07-14 2:51 AM
1) In the section Reset and clock control (RCC) in any reference manual of STM32 products you can find details about clocks settings.2) If you are using HAL, I would suggest you to use CUBEMX tool which has ''clock diagram'' where you can configure the clock easily. 3) If you are using standard library you can use clock configuration tool: For example if you are using STM32F40X/41x microcontrollers you can have more information about the clock configuration tools (downloads and settings) via thishttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF257927
I hope this helps,Syrine.2015-07-14 2:51 AM
1) In the section Reset and clock control (RCC) in any reference manual of STM32 products you can find details about clocks settings.2) If you are using HAL, I would suggest you to use CUBEMX tool which has ''clock diagram'' where you can configure the clock easily. 3) If you are using standard library you can use clock configuration tool: For example if you are using STM32F40X/41x microcontrollers you can have more information about the clock configuration tools (downloads and settings) via thishttp://www.st.com/web/en/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF257927
I hope this helps,Syrine.2015-07-17 6:18 PM
Thank you very much!