2015-07-16 08:54 PM
Guys, where can I find ''main.h''....? I use Keil MDK...
Thanks I read from : ''Developing applications on STM32Cube with LwIP TCP/IP stack '', page 39 How do I choose between static or dynamic (DHCP) IP address allocation? When the macro #define USE_DHCP located in main.h is commented, a static IP address is assigned to the STM32 microcontroller (by default, this value can be modified from “main.h� file). If the macro #define USE_DHCP is uncommented, the DHCP protocol is enabled, and the STM32 will act as a DHCP clien2015-07-17 10:57 AM
Perhaps you can use grep, or a file manager of your choice, to find USE_DHCP in a file.
If not ''main.h'' consider if it's one of the project specific include files.2015-07-17 04:27 PM
Grep in which directory ? I can't find a complete files on MDK project directory ??