2017-01-23 12:29 AM
Hi guys:
There are 1 master and 22 slaves,both cpu are stm32,The 22 salves address are 1.2……22,The address number are included in the can Extend ID.The master has 2 cans, can1 and can2.
When the master sent the query message 0x80064 to the slaves ,
the slaves will response 0x1140164 02 02 01
0x1140264 02 02 01
0x1140365 02 02 01
0x1141665 02 02 01
22 messages totally with 3 datas through master can1
and then master will send the message out through can2 to the computer.
But the problem is the master cannot receive 22 messages totally, sometimes 20 messages,and sometimes 19 messages always lost 2 or 3 messages.
The usbcan tools connected to the slaves can always receive 22 messages all the time.
But the usbcan tools connected to the can2 of master cannot receive 22 messages .
Sorry for my bad english!