2018-04-07 7:03 PM
I use stm32f107?now I want to communicate with a 2G gprs module by usb?How I do it ?
#stm-32 #stm-32lo #stm-32f107 #stm-mcu2018-04-08 12:29 PM
Not likely to be super practical. Consider using a RPi for USB connectivity, or find a serial (USART) connectable Cellular Modem
2018-04-08 1:04 PM
Just out of curiosity: what makes you use the USB for GPRS module?
AT commands through the UART are the simplest and popular way of communicating with GSM modems. I used binary protocols for this purpose once (i.e. Nokia FBUS protocol) but it complicates things. I did it because I had a few decent Nokia phones and wanted to use them for the purpose.