2019-02-21 2:46 AM
how to set the minimum heap size manually in code without cubemX?
2019-02-21 4:49 AM
Depends on your IDE/toolchain.
For GCC-based toolchain you just edit the _Min_Heap_Size (or similiar) value in the linker script file (the one with .ld extension).
2019-02-21 4:55 AM
The heap is defined in the linker file, and used for malloc()-like functionality. Most linker files come with a heapsize definition of zero.
You are sure you need it ?
If so, you need to setup the size, and the malloc/free like memory adminstration by yourself.
2019-02-21 5:36 AM
Keil defines the heap/stack sizes in startup_stm32xyz.s
2019-02-21 5:38 AM
And cube i made the project with cube and now i want to change the heap size but can't find it and i don't want so set it up again from scratch.
2019-02-21 6:38 AM
Don't know recent Keil version, or Cube.
I suggest you start searching with the map file.
2019-02-21 8:52 AM
Check the linker configuration file as well.