2023-08-23 8:22 AM
I am looking for information regarding the CAN interface on the STEVAL-ESC001v1 board. In the features of the device it lists CAN as a feature but the documentation does not provide additional information on how exactly the CAN interface can be used to run the drive. I have never used CAN before so any help here is appreciated. I reached out to the ST support through a case and was told to try the ST community.
2023-08-23 11:42 AM
The board has an STM32F303CBT7 microcontroller, look for the appropriate documents for this MCU.
Does UM2197 have no CAN information? In the CAD tab there is the electronic schematic.
There are also videos, here's how to find them, there's a search field:
I don't know if it can help in your case, but I found these videos about advanced debugging:
STM32CubeIDE Advanced Debug Features
2023-08-24 2:14 PM
I guess what I am hoping for is some sort of example project or information showing how to actually use CAN to send speed commands ect. to the drive. None of the available information I have found explains in any way how to actually use the CAN interface, there is just mention that the feature exists and the CAN transceiver is on board.
2023-08-24 5:28 PM
STM32 is really hard to learn, it has a lot of features. To start there are 3 basic documents that the programmer needs to know thoroughly. The Datasheet, the Reference Manual and the Programming Manual. This information is usually implemented with HAL code, and for that it is necessary to know about the C language.
Examples of other STM32 models can be used as a reference base, as commented in this post below about CAN (as well as any other STM32 hardware module, such as ADC, UART etc) using search engines (Google) can help to find examples more easily, than asking advice on forums (generally forum users won't be of much help if it's a theme that already has available examples implemented in other STM32 models).
The CAN implementation between F2, F3 and F4 should be very similar
See if it helps:
2023-08-31 10:03 AM
Thank you for the very detailed response. This is helpful information which I will need to read through more thoroughly to try to fully understand. I was hoping for an example project or something similar for the STEVAL-ESC001V1 since it states in the manual "ESC ready for communication with any standard flight control unit (FCU): PWM or CAN" but does not provide any additional information of how to setup the interface with a FCU.