2009-07-20 12:22 AM
Stepper motor
#stepper-motor #stepper-motor-driver2011-05-17 4:17 AM
Hi folks,
Has anybody worked with stepper motor on stm32 ?? I have seen the appnote with the L6208, but it's expensive, and i dont need microstepping ..... best reg. Finn2011-05-17 4:17 AM
I'm doing it at the moment.
http://dev.forums.reprap.org/read.php?12,23458 The steppers are easy, it's the USB I'm having problems with, integrating mass storage functionality and SD card, to be specific. Graham Daniel2011-05-17 4:18 AM
1) There is a basic stepper motor driver available that is controlled by GPIO - L293DD, I ve worked on it and its simple to work with.
2) Then there is L9935 driver, its Serially controlled and doesnot have microstepping,
3) Next there is L6470, its an advanced stepper motor driver with microstepping. Also, its board is available.
I have worked on all of the above stepper motor drivers with STM32, I am available to provide any help, if needed.
2012-01-27 2:44 AM
2012-02-01 3:38 PM
Do an ST web site search on L6208 for information for two Evaluation versions on boards about 2'' x 3''.
Cheers, Hal2012-02-01 4:28 PM