2009-04-04 8:08 AM
stdio via USB virtual COM port
2012-03-26 5:43 AM
Hello to all,
is it only me who can't find the code in the attachment? it would be great if somebody could upload the code again.Best regards,Dion2012-11-02 4:57 AM
2012-11-02 4:59 AM
2012-11-02 5:09 AM
This is a 3 year old thread, before the forum last fatally crashed, the original posters are unlikely to respond.
2013-01-24 8:49 AM
It also seems to be the only example of an USB virtual serial port for STM32 devices that I could find after extensive googling. It would be nice to get hold of it. Alternately I'd appreciate if someone could point me to a complete USB serial port example I can get to work on the F3 or F4 discovery with minimal effort (I know, I should learn the USB spec but you've got to start somewhere).
2013-01-25 11:03 AM
There is a link on this forum to a COIDE project that uses the VCP. It is not perfect but it works and is a good place to start. I had it working with the STM3241G_Eval board in short order.
http://www.coocox.org/forum/topic.php?id=1757&page=22013-02-04 11:52 PM
i am newbe to STM32.and i am using STM32F103C8T6.i have added the USB Lybrary to my code and it was compilled successfully by the gcc compiler(arm-none-eabi).here when i connected my board to PC with USB i am getting ''Unrecognised device''.is there any thing i need to add code after the ''pProperty->Init();'' function call in the USB_Init() function.I also connected a 1.5K pull up at D+ of USB.please help me out someone.void USB_Init(void){ pInformation = &Device_Info; pInformation->ControlState = 2; pProperty = &Device_Property; pUser_Standard_Requests = &User_Standard_Requests; /* Initialize devices one by one */ pProperty->Init();?????????stuck here to add code}2013-03-21 6:26 AM
Hi there,
I am not able to find attached code :-(, would you please post it again? thanks in advance Gabriel2013-03-21 6:37 AM
I am not able to find attached code :-(, would you please post it again?
No kidding?! This thread is pushing 4 years old before the forum last fatally crashed, the original posters are unlikely to respond. I wish we could lock threads to stop getting questions like this.