2014-02-26 11:54 AM
i need to work and learn on i2c using stm32f4 discovery board can i use mems lis302dl linear accelerometer for learning i2c on discovery board? STM32F4DISCOVERY user manual says that this accelerometer is controlled by SPI: ''the STM32F4 controls this motion sensor through the SPI interface.'' can i use this through I2C? or is there a cheap and easy way without using any external IC or sensor for learning i2c on discoveery board? or any offer for that?? thanks. #i2c #discovery #starting2014-02-26 12:30 PM
Read section 4.6 of the F4 Discovery User manual.
Post Discovery questions on the STM32 Evaluation Tools forum Hal2014-02-27 9:24 AM