2014-05-13 2:31 AM
Hi All, I'm interested in the feature detailed in the v3.4 changelist which allows probe selection if multiple probes are connected, but the only version for download appears to be 3.3. Any clues as to the location of 3.4?
http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/SC1887/PF258168 ''Version 3.4 New features ... Added support of ST-LINK probe selection when more than one is connected to the computer'' http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/en/resource/technical/document/release_note/DM00034783.pdf2014-05-13 6:58 AM
Seems to be missing, will push to moderation
2014-05-13 8:53 AM
Hi campbell.jamie,
STM32 ST-LINK Utility v 3.4 is still
under development. It
will be published on ST web site by end of this week. I will let you know once available. Best Regards, Nouha2014-05-13 9:43 AM
Great, thanks.
Just as a heads-up, will probe selection be supported from the CLI? If not, it's not going to solve my problem anyway. Hope this will be available. Regards, Jamie.2014-05-15 3:43 AM
Hi Jamie,
Yes , it will be supported. Best regards, Nouha2014-05-21 2:25 AM
Hi, is version 3.4 any closer to being released?