2015-05-03 10:26 AM
The reason I ask is I made 3 custom ST205 boards. The one board that I debugged using development tools (JTAG/SWD) and then erased the chip I can program using the ST Flash Demo Utility from my .hex file.
The ST Flash Loader Demo is not recognizing the other boards. It seemed like I saw this before on the one board I can program, before I used the JTAG/SWD.2015-05-03 6:05 PM
With BOOT0 strapped high it should work via USART1 and USART3, as well as USB (via DfuSe)
You could also check with a terminal app, like RealTerm, sending the hex byte 0x7F at 9600 8E1 and looking for an 0x79 response.