2009-01-26 7:21 PM
SSD1906 + STM32F103ZC
2011-05-17 3:36 AM
I would like to use the SSD1906 together with the STM32F103ZC using the FSMC interface. Both circuits offer a variety of interface options. Does anyone have experience on which would be the best interface? I am looking at the PSRAM on STM32 and Generic#2 on SSD1906.
2011-05-17 3:36 AM
Used SSD1906 in the past - can you live with ''very wide''
D-Bus and Adr-Bus interconnect? (req'd by SSD1906) Recall that SSD1906 ''tops out'' @ QVGA - what if you want to migrate to higher pixel TFT? (i.e. 4.3'' 480x272 pixel - gaining great popularity in GPS & other aps) Close to completing development of ''smart frame buffer'' which can accommodate up to 1280x1024 pixels and be economically ''shrunk'' for lower res. TFTs. You can talk to this via 8 bit parallel, 4 control lines or SPI, I2C, CAN etc... Will be available as compact daughter board and later as QFP chip in volume - optimized for STM32...2011-05-17 3:36 AM
I need to finish my design within this week and yes, for this specific project I can live with the full 19 bit address + 16 bit data bus. For future projects the smart frame buffer using less connections sounds VERY intresting. Please direct me to further information about this circuit. It is my first project using the SSD1906 and also the STM32F104ZC. I have used the STM32F101RB before. My idea is to make the following connections using SSD1906 generic#2 interface:
STM32 SSD1906 generic#2 ===== ======= A18 M/R# A[17:0] A[17:0] D[15:0] D[15:0] PD5/FSMC_WE# WE0# ? WE1#(BHE#) PD4/FSMC_OE# RD# PD3/FSMC_CLK CLKI PD6/FSMC_WAIT# WAIT# PD7/FSMC_E1# CS# 3.3V BS# 3.3V RD/WR# The question is what to do with WE1# or just tie it to GND? Any help is appreciated since I have never used SSD1906 before.Code:
2011-05-17 3:36 AM
I have always used generic #1 with the ssd1906.
we are due to use the stm32 over the next couple of months, but not had a good look at the data yet. Best thing todo is put a scope on the emi and double check the signals out of the stm32 - this saved a lot of trouble in our previous design with the str9. Cheers sjo2011-05-17 3:36 AM
depends on depth required - we run some screens in 8bps.
I would always design to enable byte access. Cheers sjo [ This message was edited by: sjo on 10-06-2008 18:16 ]2011-05-17 3:36 AM
Thanks sjo,
I would like to know if there is any need to be able to access the SSD1906 for byte access or if one could always use word access since the STM32F103ZC has a 16 bit databus? In this case RD/WR# and RD0# and WE0# and WE1# could be tied together. I dont have a board with the STM32F103ZC yet and have to rely on the datasheet until we get our prototype boards. Thanks Dirk2011-05-17 3:36 AM
I0ve read this discussion and I'm wondering if the SSD1906 controller could be connected to STM32 FSMC prepheral.
If this is possible, what SSD1906 bus type was used? Thanks