2016-11-22 12:37 AM
2016-11-22 1:30 AM
Hi askari.nima,
1-You are using a custom board or an ST board?2-Please refer to the application note, to have idea about the required hardware for debug management.-Syrine-2016-11-22 4:27 AM
1. swd pins reconfigured, check system periperals in cube mx
2. any sleep mode?2016-11-22 10:33 AM
I make lots of board. and this is a custom board.
I don't have this problem with previews version. I program another project(make with previews cube) with no problem.I try to comment this line __HAL_AFIO_REMAP_SWJ_NOJTAG();my problem solved but SPI3 dosen't work.please see my .ioc file2016-11-25 10:33 PM