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SRM32L4 Firmware Installation

Associate II


I cannot complete the step 4 of Tools Installation, the installation of STM32CubeL3 Firmware package.

The STM32CubeMX program is not accepting it.

I downloaded it from the website, but the program cannot recognize it.

What do I have to do?



?? SRM32L4, STM32CubeL3, STM32F4 Series

Which is it?

Ideally you let STM32 CubeMX pull the files directly. Why can't you do that?

Alternately you can download the .ZIP from the CubeXX package you need to install "From Local"

I'd imagine there are YouTube tutorials on this..

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Yes, I downloaded the zipped archive.

Now, how to install it "from local"?

On the STM32MCU Cube packages click on the button "From Local..." of this figure:


And follow the instructions.

Best Regards.


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That wimdow should be reached from the "Help" menu and clicking on the "embedded software management" voice. 

The problem is that that window does not open

>>The problem is that that window does not open

Ok, so how have you got the software installed? Does the machine connect to the internet?

What does your entry screen to CubeMX show? What can you open from there? What kind of errors or warnings are you getting?

Do you work with anyone with Windows/ IT experience?

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The software is downloaded and installed from the SYM32 CubeMX page on

It is installed from the software installer.

The machine is connected to the internet.

As taught by st installatikn tools page, I gi to the menu Help/Manage embedded software packages.

Then it does nothing, after clicking.

There is no "install libraries" voice.


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Associate II

Clicked on it, more than 10 minutes ago, in the same program section you are showing in the picture.. Nothing is happening.


Sorry for bothering so much.

But I cannot even generate the code for the "blinking led" exercise nr.1