2008-12-20 9:29 AM
SRAM multiplexed on FSMC
2011-05-17 3:56 AM
Hi all. I'm trying to drive ext. SRAM(55ns) muxed on FSMC port (MCU: ...103vc-100 pin).
The control signals is look good on my SCOPE. When I'm write some array data in the ExRam segment the results is writing address indexes (0,1,2,3.....) I'm using this setings.. FSMC_AccessMode_D; FSMC_Bank1_NORSRAM1; FSMC_DataAddressMux_Enable; FSMC_MemoryType_SRAM; FSMC_MemoryDataWidth_8b; FSMC_BurstAccessMode_Disable; FSMC_WaitSignalPolarity_Low; FSMC_WrapMode_Disable; FSMC_WaitSignalActive_BeforeWaitState; FSMC_WriteOperation_Enable; FSMC_WaitSignal_Disable; FSMC_ExtendedMode_Enabled; FSMC_WriteBurst_Disable; 10X2011-05-17 3:56 AM
I am not sure, but I think multiplex access is only valid with NOR-Flash timing and with
NOR-Flash timing it is not possible to set the data-bus to 8 Bit. See table 74, page 373 in RM0008 and the hint on page 394 (MUXEN). See also:2011-05-17 3:56 AM
I can't see any difference in SRAM and NOR timing diagrame.
Did anybody succeed multiplexing NOR or SRAM ?2011-05-17 3:56 AM
I have been helping a customer out who had designed their hardware for multiplexed sram - their old design was doing the same thing with a str9.
They missed the info in the ref manual and presumed it would work. ST told us it could not be done but we tried anyway - so far it seems to be working ok for 8/16/32bit accesses. In the end we chose CRAM (PSRAM) mode with burst and wait disabled. Use this info at your own risk!! Cheers sjo2011-05-17 3:56 AM
My point is, that - from the ref manual - it is not possible to use
the multiplexed timing in conjunction with 8-bit access. Perhaps ST can clarify this point.2011-05-17 3:56 AM
We Have a solution...
Using 74HC573 and latching addresses on NADV LOW (make a latch transparent )