2012-05-31 1:04 AM
I am working on LCD project (Fractals) and i need large buffer for storing iteration values, so i can calculate fractal and when paint it. I need to store 8b number, total of 130560. so what would be around 1Mb. I have W25Q16 flash below my lcd, i remade code from ST SPI sampl, but don't know how to write individual numbers and then read them. i guess i have to use this function: /* Write Tx_Buffer data to SPI FLASH memory */ sFLASH_WriteBuffer(Tx_Buffer, FLASH_WRITE_ADDRESS, BufferSize); /* Read data from SPI FLASH memory */ sFLASH_ReadBuffer(Rx_Buffer, FLASH_READ_ADDRESS, BufferSize); But what kind of C syntax that would be? code is like this int h=0; u32 i =0; while(i<(480*272)) { h=fractal iteration number ;//0-255 sFLASH_WriteBuffer(h, i, 1); i++; } i=0; int x=,y=0; while(x<480) {while(y<272) { sFLASH_ReadBuffer(&h, i, 1); LCD_Pixel(x,y,asemble_rgb(h)): y++; i++; } y=0; x++; } Help is highly appreciated #stm32f4-fsmc-lcd-tft-ssd19632012-05-31 4:27 AM
I believe Flash is NOT what you want for this purpose.
First, it has a limited number of erase/write cycles, usually about 10.000 cycles. It would not take long until you run into problems, because the cells can't be written anymore. Second, a Flash write takes long (several milliseconds), the erase you need before takes even longer - about.200ms Flash is for values which are rarely changed, and mostly read. For intermediate values things like iteration variables, you would need RAM.2012-05-31 11:18 AM
The more I tinker with it, the less appealing I find this idea.
h=fractal iteration number ;//0-255
sFLASH_WriteBuffer(h, i, 1);
What would be the runtime of this loop, when each (serial) write access consumes several milliseconds, and adding the erase delay for each block of ..250ms ?
If you intend to use an stm32f4, why not taking advantage of the FSMC, i.e. the external memory interface ?
Or, use a Cortex A8 device or similiar, if you need more RAM and performance.
2012-06-02 8:57 AM
i would love to use cortex A8, but i don't know where to find something that you can solder at home to pcb.
i guess i will buy some ram and use same fsmc line as lcd max speed for this type of processor is 250MHz (texas Hercules m4 core ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2dKBz2jUt0