2011-03-31 2:13 AM
SPI communication between two STM32 Discovery
2011-05-17 5:30 AM
''I connected the Master GPIO pins 5,6,7 to the Slave GPIO 13,14,15''
Pin numbers are pretty meaningless - what are the pin functions?''Master seems to work because I can monitor it via the interrupt'' You haven't shown your interrupt handler, so it's impossible to know if that's a valid or meaningful test. Anyhow, it tells you nothing about what's actually happening on the physical connection betwen the two boards. Have you looked with an oscilloscope?
2011-05-17 5:30 AM
2011-05-17 5:30 AM
With two separate devices both could use SPI1?
It's never made a whole lot of sense to me to have ALL the pins as AF_PP, but all the examples look that way.2011-05-17 5:30 AM
''PA 5(SCK),6 (MISO),7(MOSI) from Master side
PB 13(SCK),14(MISO),15(MOSI) from Slave side'' But how are they connected? What connects to what? You're not using a Slave Select line...?
2011-05-17 5:30 AM
But how are they connected? What connects to what?
Probably one-to-one, which should work for full duplex modes, but the 1 line Tx/Rx modes it documented as : - Connect SPI2 SCK pin (PB.13) to SPI1 SCK pin (PA.05) - Connect SPI2 MISO pin (PB.14) to SPI1 MOSI pin (PA.07) When cut-n-pasting example code, it always helps to read the README.TXT file.