2024-03-12 7:32 PM
in the following link they present STM32 ODE:
in the video of "Prototype and develop more quickly with STM32 ODE", in minute 1:28 he present the concept of creating an application by stacking different component to demonstart customer project, then he mentioned the most important part that all these components can be moved to a samll form factor board in minute 1:47, where is small board enable customer to do form factor and field test.
Would you please I need to know the name of this small field factor!
the purpose is that I need to build a device with blutetooth, NFC...etc. I would like to know this small form factor to see how I can integrated in my device, please.
2024-03-18 10:36 AM
The links here (and both links in your duplicate post) don't work - they just go to the ST "Video Center" home page.
Googling "Prototype and develop more quickly with STM32 ODE" finds a few - this seems to match the stills you posted:
Making into the "very small form factor" would be your development - taking the bare chips, and putting them onto your own PCB design.
He did say that there are only a few special cases where ST has some compact modules:
(note that you can link direct to a specific time in a YouTube video)
I guess an example would be the SensorTile module:
Here's a longer video on the ODE:
"Compact Solution Boards" @ 2:34:
and it gives the link: