2017-10-06 7:58 AM
Hello, i have to make a Sinus Generator can you please give me any hint or a gide how to start ?
Thank you.
2017-10-06 8:41 AM
Think I've previously demonstrated a TIM+DMA+DAC example feeding a sine wave table to the DAC at a defined pace.
Circular DMA on buffer
Triggered via a TIM at frequency X table length
DMA copies to DAC->DR
2017-10-08 7:24 AM
Hello again SIr,
Can you please send me a link with this example ?
Thank you verry much
2017-10-08 12:00 PM
2017-10-18 11:02 AM
Hello Clive,
I am i am stuck at a step in the code,
How can i make the DMA to allow 2 octet only for every IRQ from TIM5To send to an external DAC.
Below is a link with my current project ,https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7fbIHd58fTedUtjVDBYajg4MUk/view?usp=sharing
Thank you for your support,
Best Regards,
2017-10-18 1:22 PM
Really can't provide assistance with HAL code, you'd want to avoid placing blocking code in the IRQ Handler.
You might be better using a memory transfer to the SPI->DR in 16-bit mode using DMA triggered by a TIM on the same APB. ie not use a direct SPI+DMA linkage where SR.TXE drives the DMA service.