2017-10-18 7:21 AM
Now I'm trying to understand about how do the memories work.
I've attached STM32F103C8's memory map and I've highlighted each memory in the image (aka A, B, C, D)..
In here, I want to know what exactly relationship between B(System memory) and C(Flash memory)?
and What is the D(aliased to Flash or system Memory area)? Is D real existing physically?
If I use JTAG to upload the compiled hex file into the Cortex Flash memory, then where exactly does it go ? A?B?C?D?
after complete upload the firmware code, then what happens? D just copy from C?
I think B, C and D is supposed to be as
#memory-map2017-10-18 7:45 AM
They are all decoded from high order address bits, look perhaps at some classic microprocessor texts where a 74138 logic chip takes in the high order bits and decodes discrete memory regions.
The FLASH memory is at 0x080XXXXX within the memory map, this is where you write your binary image of the firmware to be run.
The there is the SHADOWING concept, where a memory may appear in TWO, or more, places within the memory map. When the BOOT pins select FLASH, then it appears at BOTH 0x08000000 and 0x00000000. This is important because the processor boots assuming the vector table is starting at zero, ie SCB->VTOR = 0
2017-10-18 9:21 AM
It might be interesting to read up on C start up code and examining the parts of your linker script that it interacts with (there's probably plenty you probably don't care about in there) as well. Understanding the code that runs before calling your main() can really connect the dots with the memories.
2017-10-18 9:47 AM
2017-10-18 10:00 AM
Thanks for letting me know,
When the BOOT pins select FLASH, then it appears at BOTH 0x08000000 and 0x00000000.'
Did you mean that when the boot pins selected FLASH, then
is alliased to 0x00000000?
In other word, If I modify 0x00000004 adddress data, then 0x08000004 also be modified? and vice versa?
2017-10-18 10:10 AM
Alias or Shadow, choose the word you prefer. I would write into the 0x08000000 space, but the 0x00000000 space would probably work for that purpose too. There would be less dependency on internal settings if you work with the memory location that will always be present.
You should be able to read the same 32-bit word for 0x00000004 or 0x08000004, look in your debugger memory viewer or ST-LINK Utilities some time. This typically points back into an address in the 0x080XXXXXX range, and thus control is transferred to the natural address of the memory in question.
2017-10-18 12:28 PM
Honestly I think some 40 year old books on Computer Architecture and Microprocessor Interfacing might be significantly more illuminating in this case in terms of understanding how the parts come together. Today's SoC solutions just pull all the basic concepts into a chip level solution, the memory decoding and busing remain inherently the same. People used to have college level classes on this stuff.