2015-06-07 5:57 AM
I have installed STM32-MAT software and trying to generate and build code for STM32F4-Discovery. When I build model, it gives an error that it is not able to find any toolchain. This problem occurs because there is no option in code generation to choose toolchain. STM32.tlc file has been chosen as system target file.I found in help of simulink the way one can configure toolchain approach to build code. For that in simulink one has to go to Analysis--> Upgrade Advisor-->''Check and update model to use toolchain approach to build generate code'' and update model. If that is done, toolchain option will be available in code generation. I also tried that but it did not work. It gave error as ''Reference to non-existent field 'Params'.Please see the attached images to get more idea about this problem.Does anyone have idea about how this issue can be solved?Thanks,Abhijeet2015-06-08 2:01 AM
when you select STM32.tlc, ''STM32 Options'' parameter settings is available. It is used to set STM32CubeMx path. You must install STM32CubeMx tool from:http://www.st.com/web/catalog/tools/FM147/CL1794/SC961/SS1533/PF259242?s_searchtype=partnumber
It is used to configure MCU (Pinout and peripherals) and used toolchain. Then, it is called from Simulink to build project. Best regards Pascal2015-06-08 4:24 AM
STM32Cube MX has been already installed. The path has been given in STM32 Options but still it is not showing up the option for toolchain. Build failed.Thanks,Abhijeet2015-06-10 1:10 AM
toolchain is selected from STM32CubeMx project->settings (Alt+p) Then you can choose one of listed toolchain. STM32CubeMx generates project when it is called from Simulink when you press Simulink build button. Best regards Pascal