2015-01-22 8:32 AM
I am trying to set up a USART1 on a STM32F030C8 using PB6 and PB7. I can programme the part via the SWD, if it is blank or the USART have not been configured. As soon as I load code which configures the USART the part becomes unresponsive to the ST-LINK programmer and the only way I can recover the part for programming is to put BOOT0 to 3.3V and then use the ST debugger to erase the memory via the UART port. What am I doing wrong?
#stm32 #usart #stm32f0 #!espn2015-01-22 9:07 AM
What am I doing wrong?
Dunno, show code, something minimal, but complete enough to demonstrate the issue.