2020-02-21 1:19 AM
On the Disco board with STM23F4x there is a STM32F1003.
What is it there for, and how do I access it?
2020-02-21 1:25 AM
I think there is a zero too much, it is a F103.
It is the embedded ST-Link.
Download and check the schematics in the user manual.
2020-02-22 6:11 AM
Hi Ozone, thanks for your time.
As you can see, I am rather inexperienced.
I looked over both data sheets , the STM32F407x and STM32F103, btw, you were right on that zero, I was Looking for any in circuit programming pin description, but could only find a boot0 pin.
On the Internet I found the explanation to that pin and boot1.
On the discovery STM32F4x the STM32F103 is part of a programmer?
I have only seen and worked with a programmer, that was connected to a miso mosi scl ICSPP pin on the chip, that I wanted to program, everything was already inside the programmer, for example the pic programmer, costed 30$.
Having a Bootloader is great, why would I want to spend money for a programmer if it has a bootloader? Is there any advantage ?