2018-06-26 4:02 AM
I struggle to get SDMMC running.
I have a Discovery F4, I use the SDIO Module, open CubeMX, enable SDIO, gpio_input card detect, 2 dma (rx,tx) + interrupt
my code is simple
fres = f_mount(&_FileSys, SDPath, 1);
if (fres == FR_OK) { fres = f_open(&_File, 'TEST2.TXT', FA_READ); if (fres == FR_OK) {..etc.
I can write to the card... works fine
But I also have a nucleo L476, when I do the same, enable SDMMC,dma...
it doesn't even mount the card
I tested different clock sources, dividers, with dma , without dma
I wired the thing 3 times.
Did I miss something?
Is the there a big difference between the L4 and F4 / SDIO and SDMMC?
CubeMX 4.0 (+ L4 1.0)
TrueSTUDIO 9.0.1
Attached is the not working code for the L4
the old CubeMX 4.21 works with the nucleo L476
The example without Cube from the current reposity package works also.
But the CubeMX 4.26 still doesn't 1 or 2 dma channels... whatever I try, allways
. #sdio-dma #sdmmc #sdio #l476 #dma-sdmmc Note: this post was migrated and contained many threaded conversations, some content may be missing.2018-06-26 4:42 AM
You might want to start using the example code in the HAL trees, it works better
2018-06-26 6:55 AM
hmm I'm not sure what you mean,
should I try to port the application code from a different L4 board to my nucleo ?
2018-06-26 7:45 AM
>>should I try to port the application code from a different L4 board to my nucleo ?
Might be a shorter path than fighting with broken code, it is the approach I used. Easier to take working code and pivot.
There are several others, and ones implementing DMA
With CubeMX code you'd want to make sure the IRQs and call-backs are plumbed properly
2018-06-29 9:45 AM
thanks for the answer, yes the example just need some tweaks and then its working,
formating, writing, all works fine, I removed some code to get a better view...
but I'm still not able do the same with CubeMX, I guess the example is old and uses old bsp files, while the code from CubeMX seems different, for example the CardDetect in the example must be low, in the new files musst be high.
Currently I think there is something wrong how cubemx build the template or the bsp file isn't correct.
I mean, the discovery F4 works without a problem.
2018-07-02 6:50 AM
,I raised this issue internally to CubeMx team for check and come back to you.
With Regards,
2018-07-11 3:07 PM
Hi, I'm also trying and failing to incorporate SDMMC with a Cube-generated project (specifically for the L476RG). Have you made any progress on converting from the HAL example?
2018-07-12 4:15 AM
Hello Forest,
yes I 'found' a workaround in the Forum
you need to do what is suggested in the first post and then remove the weak functions like suggested in one of the last posts.
But this is only a workaround the problem is that stm doesn't generate usable bsp files for the L4 , if you regenerate code with cube you must do the steps again.
With my sd card module I need also the internal pullups.
You can also take a look here
somewhere on the bottom are github links but since I got it working I didn't tested the solutions in this thread.I hope that stm fix the problems around the sd card and dma code soon.
You can use my ioc attached to this post to generate a project
________________ Attachments : L4CubeNEW.ioc.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HxQX&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000axt%2FDRB_32IbDNt1DEC7iPjK7iYLEs_nnSkGhka7EV50F2s&asPdf=false2018-07-12 12:06 PM
Thanks for the links and .ioc -- they were very helpful!
Here's a question for anyone --
I get an error when calling FATFS_LinkDriver(&SD_Driver, SDPath) as shown in the HAL example. Looking further I find that this can be traced to FATFS_LinkDriverEx() in ff_gen_drv.c ---
(sorry, I don't know how to format code here)
uint8_t FATFS_LinkDriverEx(const Diskio_drvTypeDef *drv, char *path, uint8_t lun)
{ uint8_t ret = 1; uint8_t DiskNum = 0; if(disk.nbr < _VOLUMES) // Right here is the root of the problem. disk.nbr in my case is 1 and _VOLUMES is also 1. Should this be <= _VOLUMES instead, or should these values be different? { disk.is_initialized[disk.nbr] = 0; disk.drv[disk.nbr] = drv; disk.lun[disk.nbr] = lun; DiskNum = disk.nbr++; path[0] = DiskNum + '0'; path[1] = ':'; path[2] = '/'; path[3] = 0; ret = 0; } return ret;}2018-07-13 2:05 AM
do you call the fatfs_link with your own code?
Because in your main you only need to use f_mount, f_open,f_write,f_read, f_close
link is getting called in some basic function