2015-04-29 8:05 AM
I didn't find way to avoid this error but ignoring it. I wasn't the first one of doing so. There is an example from Keil: .\Keil\ARM\Boards\Keil\MCBSTM32F400\RL\FlashFS\SD_File\SDIO_STM32F4xx.c
[code]static BOOL WriteBlock (U32 bl, U8 *buf, U32 cnt) { /* Write a cnt number of 512 byte blocks to Flash Card. */ U32 i; SDIO->DLEN = cnt * 512; SDIO->DTIMER = cnt * DATA_WR_TOUT_VALUE; SDIO->DCTRL = SDIO_DCTRL_DBLOCKSIZE_3 | SDIO_DCTRL_DBLOCKSIZE_0 | SDIO_DCTRL_DMAEN | SDIO_DCTRL_DTEN ; for (i = DMA_TOUT; i; i--) { if (DMA2->LISR & DMA_LISR_TEIF3) { break; } if (DMA2->LISR & DMA_LISR_TCIF3) { if ((SDIO->STA & (SDIO_STA_DBCKEND|SDIO_STA_DATAEND)) == (SDIO_STA_DBCKEND|SDIO_STA_DATAEND)) { /* Data transfer finished. */ return (__TRUE); } } } /* DMA Transfer timeout. */ return (__FALSE);}[/code]If you look inside their for loop they just ignoring FEIF.I verified that card access works (at least every time I've tried) and as I stated before I don't know any way to avoid this error. STM errata doesn't shed light on this issue or I didn't find it...Does anyone know the better way to deal with this issue?Thank you. #stm32-sdio-dma-fifo-feif