2008-11-18 7:16 PM
2011-05-17 3:52 AM
Hello everybody !!On my program I want to have a signal of 400 Khz with my timer2 in PWM mode and have the RTC for the clock, on. RTC work without the Timer2, Timer2 work without RTC, but when I try to have them at the same time it doesn't work and the systick too. I try all the possibilities of the priority. I tried to do like the demo program of the STM32F10B because there is RTC, systick and TimeR2 together. I tried on TIMER3, the same. And today, still doesn't work. I think I have try everything...Maybe someone had the same problem.... :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ :-[ .......
I will accept help from anybody. Thanks a lot !2011-05-17 3:52 AM
Hy Hervett,
I using STM32F103RE with ST320F10x-E Eval board, RTC and Timer1 togher without problems: -Timer 1 from HSE 8Mhz-> 48MHz with pwm function at 20KHz frequency -RTC from LSE 32KHz for wakeup during stop mode The systick is set at 32ms. by2011-05-17 3:52 AM
Hy Hervett,
I using STM32F103RE with ST320F10x-E Eval board, RTC and Timer1 togher without problems: -Timer 1 from HSE 8Mhz-> 48MHz with pwm function at 20KHz frequency -RTC from LSE 32KHz for wakeup during stop mode The systick is set at 32ms. by2011-05-17 3:52 AM
It's OK now, My program work with my TIMER2 in PWM, my RTC and the Systick, but still don't work wth my Timer2in Output compare toggle mode. So I will keep the PWM for my 400 kHz.
I havn't do something special, it is just the difference between PWM ans Output compare toggle mode. Bye