2014-06-16 1:48 AM
I'm now working on a project using stm32f103.And I need to build up an environment for unit testing, regression testing and code coverage testing .Any tools or solution?Many thanks. #stm32-regression-test2014-06-16 7:10 AM
2014-06-16 6:33 PM
Thank you my friend.
TrueStudio maybe is an option.I wonder if any open source solution or free tools we can access to.2014-06-17 1:07 AM
Personally, I hate Atollic with a passion. The automated unit tests is only something fancy to impress a manager during a sales demo. Never used it myself. Here is a list of test frame works : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unit_testing_frameworks Personally, I have used CUint/Cunit lite and CppUnit I integrated them into a makefile and ran it as part of the build process.2014-06-17 4:15 AM
Personally, I hate Atollic with a passion. The automated unit tests is only something fancy to impress a manager during a sales demo. Never used it myself.
I personally tried it about 2 years ago, and it messed up the project ... Not sure about about it's state now. While I do hate Eclipse-based IDEs (including Atollic TrueStudio too), external unit testing for small MCUs is most often the same mess. One of my former companies failed miserably, and gave up quickly on that (one of the few occasions they actually learned ...).I integrated them into a makefile and ran it as part of the build process.
That requires makefile support on the IDE side, which is seldom given, or has awkward support. Most IDE have their own proprietary project/build configuration file format, sometimes creating makefiles on the fly. Having it integrated in the IDE and automatable is definitive an advantage - if it works reliable. But finally it is the OP's task to evaluate this tool (and possibly a bunch of others) before jumping straight in.
2014-06-17 7:31 AM
I wonder if any open source solution or free tools we can access to.
What does Google say? You're unlikely to find commercial grade solutions for free, there's no money in that business. If your time is free (or a buried cost), and you are resourceful you may be able to come up with your own solutions.2014-06-18 9:16 AM
No offence. It's not that about commercial or free.I would rather know how you guy work out in this case.Like Chen said above, he write his own makefile. That's an good option I think.We may still have other options we can figure out.Many thanks guys. Appreciated.