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Regarding STM32F407 FSMC timing

Associate II

​In my own system, a SRAM is interfaced to FSMC of STM32F407 asychrously.

My settings are as follows:

HSE clock: 25MHz

Coreclock: 168MHz

AHC clock: 168MHz for FSMC

Address setup: 1

Address hold: 1

Data setup: 1

Bus turn: 0

And my IDE is TrueStudio.

In above configuraion, FSMC_NE1 is 440ns long at single time read from or write to the SRAM.

Is it right that the shortest FSMC NE's length is 440ns? According to manual, I think it must be much shorter, e.g. possibly under 100ns.

I wonder what the minimum length of FSMC_NE1 is possibly. And could you share configuration for the minimum length?

Best Regards,



I'd start by confirming the internal clocking by exporting and measuring a clock on PA8 (MCO)

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