2012-09-07 5:29 AM
Hi, I would like to know if its posible to restore st-link firmware on the STM32F103C8.
I have 2 boards and I tried to program it to play a little with USB. Can I restore it? How? Thanks in advance.2012-09-10 8:01 AM
Not sure if this is of help for you.
Following this link:http://acassis.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/converting-a-stm32vldiscover-on-versalon-programmer/
there a danish guy who hacked the STLink to use it with another firmware. Perhaps you can try his steps to get it the other way around. I never tried this. And, as a last resort - you can still use the STLink part of another discovery board to flash and debug a stm32_discovery application. With the newer dicovery boards (STLink V2), this reduces to relocate two jumpers.