2018-09-20 6:26 PM
I'm having problems to read my current sensor, which is located at the source leg of a power transistor.
I'm using the sensor TLI4970
This is my routine every 10ms:
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_RESET); //Bring slave select low
HAL_SPI_Receive(&hspi1, (uint8_t *)&SPIRx, 2, 10); //Receive data
HAL_GPIO_WritePin(GPIOA, GPIO_PIN_5, GPIO_PIN_SET); //Bring slave select high
However, I get random values even when the current is zero. I'm getting values like:
According to the datasheet, these are sensor status messages, but none of them are Sensor Current Messages. The hardware seems okay. This sensor is not so common I think. I haven't found much help. Am I doing something wrong in software?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2018-09-21 8:55 PM
Fixed. My clock phase was wrong. I had SP1 mode 0 , but the right one is the Mode 1.
2018-09-20 7:42 PM
I checked the datasheet.
firstly, I havn't seen the need for 100k pullup on SPI before, it is unusual, but necessary I guess.
I am not sure if you can enable the stm32pin-pullup whilst the pin is in AF(alt function) mode as SPI.
The TLI4970-D050T4 has a 3-pin serial peripheral interface (SPI). A standard unidirectional 16-bit SPI protocol is
that's different to your snippet, its not an issue but I believe the Indians run backward...
otherwise you would use a 16bit buffer,
(uint16_t *)&SPIRx
its a nice datasheet,
did you see the 16bit frame has a parity bit ?
All SPI frames are based on a 16-bit word. A parity bit in each SPI frame allows the detection of transmission errors and increases the reliability of the measured data.
The transmission of the data is triggered by the CS-pin.
and there is a timing issue: so, not too fast ...
the CS-pin has to return to the high state for at least the time tCSON before pulling it to low again in order to trigger the next sample readout.
I see ... you are reading close to zero current...
ignoring the first two bits, you have
17FE ????
17FD ???
Not sure why you have noise in the MSB position...otherwise the data looks good...
2018-09-20 8:29 PM
That's the point. I'm getting always either 8 or A in the MSB position. I don't understand why.
2018-09-20 8:36 PM
its not 8 or A, its the 9 that is the issue.
the top 3 bits are not part of the reading, and must be removed.
the ADC is 13bit
ADC= result &0x1FFF ;
hence my question when you recive a '9' in the top nibble.. that seems incorrect.
2018-09-20 8:40 PM
I've captured a new pattern of received data and all of them start at either 8 or A. Not 9 anymore. But according to the datasheet, the first bit should be 0 in order to be a current message.
2018-09-20 8:43 PM
I already showed you in my first responce in the datasheet the top 3 bit are used for different purposes.
You should decode those top 3 bits for your code.
and remove them for the data.
without any '9's, the bottom 13 bits of your data looks good.
2018-09-20 9:03 PM
Thanks for your patience. I will assume I can ignore the top 3 bits. I just was confused because the datasheet says that:
The “Sensor Status Message�? and the “Sensor Value Message�?. The two types are distinguished by the STATUS Bit.
So the status bit is the first bit, which should be 0.
2018-09-20 9:38 PM
Yes, sorry I didn't read so in.
if bit 15 is 0 then
value = SPI_16 &1FFF
Pstatus = SPI_16 & 0x4000;
HWstatus = ....
2018-09-20 10:13 PM
The problem is that.. I'm never getting 0 in bit 15.
2018-09-20 10:38 PM
did you adjust to reading 16bit data ?
you may have a little indian problem...
did you check CPOL in the datasheets ?