2024-07-15 8:23 AM
I am facing constant difficulties in connecting to my Nucleo H723ZG Boards.
Almost every time I try to update the ST-Link via STMCube32IDE, the compilation stops half-way through the process and throws an error (see image)
I have tried:
It appears to be, that a successfull connection happens almost randomly and about 1 out of 10 tries.
Has anyone faced the same issue?
2024-07-15 8:42 AM
Seems to be already at the same level.
Do with the upgrade app directly, without any secondary connectivity or daemon trying to connect.
2024-07-15 4:24 PM
Why are you trying to upgrade? The version seems to be current.
> I am facing constant difficulties in connecting to my Nucleo H723ZG Boards.
Perhaps expand on this. What difficulties? Can STM32CubeProgrammer connect reliably?
2024-07-15 5:20 PM
Upgrade ST-LINK FW itself (not your user MCU code) is just needed once. When you are already on the latest version (and you are) you should be fine and no need to update the ST-LINK itself all the time again (even, you could keep going with an older version of ST-LINK FW).
When you say "compilation stops half-way through the process..." what do you mean?
If you are on an older version for the ST-LINK - yes, you might get a warning to update. If you have done - it should never come again (until a newer ST-LINK FW seen with updating the IDE). Does your ST-LINK enters ST-LINK "update mode" by itself?
Or do you press on the "ST-LINK update" all the time when you want to flash a new MCU FW?
I have seen: updating the ST-LINK FW (not the MCU FW!) needs sometimes a power cycle on the ST-:LINK.
But why are you all the time in the ST-LINK FW update mode?
2024-07-16 12:41 AM
Thank you all for the support.
Often I can't connect neither to my Nucleo Boards neither with STM32CubeIDE, nor with Minicom (similar to Putty), nor with VScode (via Zephyr RTOS)
In these cases, have noticed that trying to upgrade the ST-Link via the STM32CubeIDE tool sometimes brings the board back to life. If you have a good suggestion on how to troubleshoot this issue, I'd be glad.
2024-07-16 2:12 AM
By the way, from within VScode with the Zephyr RTOS I get the error.
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Error: libusb_open() failed with LIBUSB_ERROR_OTHER
Error: open failed