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QUAD-SPI too busy!

Albi G.

Hi guys,

i am using the QuadSPI periphery to interface with a FPGA. I am in need of raw throughput with alternating write and read cycles of some number of bytes. I am just concept-prooving right now.

Since QUADSPI->CCR is not allowed to be modified when BUSY==1 the busy flag effectively limits the command rate - which is useful since i obviously need to wait to finish a a command before sending the next one.

My configuration is:

  • 4 bit wide Instruction
  • Skip directly to 4bit wide Data-transfer
  • Min CS-High time = 0 (1 cycle)
  • IndirectRead / IndirectWrite mode, no DMA for now.

Now, unfortunately the BUSY flag is rather lame and it takes exactly 6-7 clocks after CS rises that the BUSY flag clears. That is really **** ** the achievable command rate!

With 6-7 clocks, i mean periphery-clocks after the prescaler. (@1MHz SPI clock, the BUSY-signal is 1 for 6µs after CS rises. If 10MHz is used, then its 0.6us)

What i dont understand is, that this behavior makes the minimum CS-high setting kind of useless. (i never achieve a scenario where CS is less than 6 cycles high in-between commands)

This holds true for consecutive reads, consecutive writes, and alternating read-write.

What could go wrong ??

This is my example code. Not using the library, but my code hopefully reads kind of intuitively...


Measured though my Debug-GPIO: 16.7µs from Command start to BUSY=0

Chip select Low for 11µs

Give me a faster BUSY, please :(

BTW: i also get the same behavior if i configure the QSPI differently:

  • skip Instruction
  • Send one byte address
  • skip directly to Data

== Same timing(-problems)



One of the other potential pitfalls of using the QSPI/FMC external interfaces for things like FIFO's or state-machines is that the core/peripheral can do funny things with unaligned access, bursts access, speculative reads, and reads which are abandoned and retried.

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Those "funny things" is what made go and look at the CS and clock.

I would never imagine that clock could start before CS goes down....