2014-08-27 10:33 AM
I have installed Qemu on windows. I want to know how to run it and install uClinux on it. I am planning to try some C application for STM32F103 platform.
#cross-post #rtfm2014-08-27 4:10 PM
2014-08-28 1:51 AM
Hello Neil,
I have gone through the manuals. Here's where I am stuck. I have installed the windows version of qemu. However, I am unable to find an application file with which I can run the program. There was no shortcut which was created on my desktop. Besides, in the program files folder also, I found a lot of application files for many platforms but when I click them nothing happens. Regards, Shashank2014-08-28 1:55 AM
If you're going to cross-post in multiple places, then you need to be sure to keep them all updated!
For qemu support, see:
2014-08-28 7:52 AM
You need to start it from the command line, something like thi;
qemu-system-arm -cpu cortex-m3 -nographic -monitor null -serial null -semihosting -kernel main.elf
is simple example2014-09-02 10:53 PM
@ Edje. Thanks for the help.