2021-01-27 3:42 AM
Lead time for many parts get into the 52 weeks region. It would be helpfull, if McuFinder would give a lead-time estimator, e.g. green for good, yellow for > 4 weeks and red for > 26 weeks.
2021-01-27 9:55 AM
Hello @Uwe Bonnes ,
Thank you for your proposal and for helping us improve our tool !
I will forward this to our team to look into.
I'll make sure to post any updates here as soon as I hear back from them.
2021-01-27 10:04 AM
Isn't this a multi-variable problem?
The price and availability correlates very strongly to how many millions of parts you're buying, and the ability of your purchaser(s) to actually plan.
2021-01-27 10:57 AM
Most of the people asking here are not in the position of buying multi-millions.
Look also at the post here from people desperately seeking STM32F0
2021-02-01 12:17 AM
Hi @Uwe Bonnes ,
I've heard back from the Marketing team and at the moment we have no information to share regarding the lead-time of products, considering the delivery situation we are facing.
I have forwarded your suggestion to provide estimates to the team, and will let you know if and when I have more information from them.
I really appreciate your help in constantly improving our product.