2014-09-15 4:13 AM
I am trying to program the standard STM32F1 discovery board (STM32F103 controller) through usart1 (without using the stlink debugger integrated within the board). I have removed 2 jumper associated with CN2. Then I connected RX pin of the FTDI connector to Tx pin of the controller (PA9) and Tx pin of the FTDI to RX pin of the controller (PA10). The Board is not provided with any external crystal. The BOOT0 pin is kept at High and BOOT1 at low. Then I opened the application FLASH loader Demo by STMicroelectronics. Selected the Port, Parity None(Even and Odd also tried),Time outs(2-10 I tried), Board rate -9600 (Also tried 256000). I reset the controller and then I click on next in the application and I'm able to program the board. I have a custom board which is similar to the F1 Dev board. I tried the same on the custom board and I'm not able to program it. The moment I click on the NEXT in the application I am getting an error message ''Unrecognized Device. Please Reset and try again ''. I'm not sure whether is controller is gone or not. How Do I check whether my controller is working or not???? regards, Arun #programm-via-uart12014-09-15 5:54 AM
An F103 Discovery? Care to provide a cite?
The USART protocol requires EVEN parity, 9600 8E1 should be fine. You could use something like RealTerm to send the 0x7F in hex and check that you get the expected 0x79. Other commands could also be sent in hex to evaluate the interface. Problems with the serial protocol would likely depend on the external serial port used, and how stable that signal is.2014-09-15 10:27 PM
Thank you for the reply clive1. When I sent 0x7F to the controller, I was getting some other response from the controller. So I presumed that the problem is with STM32 controller and I replaced it. That fixes the issue. It's working....... :)
Regards, Arun.S