2013-05-06 2:47 AM
hello everybody,
how i can programming my bord STM3210E eval?2013-05-06 4:32 AM
how i can programming my bord STM3210E eval?
Pretty much the same way as any other, load the example projects into your IDE (Keil, IAR, etc), build and download/debug through the ST-LINK/JTAG. Perhaps your question could infer some specificity about what is giving you difficultly? or what you're trying to achieve?2013-05-06 4:39 AM
the problem is this bord have'nt a JITAG debeguer, so i can't it programming as any other bord
2013-05-06 4:56 AM
You'll probably want to invest in one, you're alternative programming route would be to use the USART1 serial connector, and use the Flash Loader Demonstrator app to download via the ROM based System Loader. (BOOT0=High)